$125.00 USD

Every month

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Champions Club Group Coaching Membership

This elite online coaching experience gives artists, athletes, and humans at any stage of their life access to their next level.

What you'll get:

  • Access to biweekly group coaching calls live with Anya
  • Personal feedback on up to 5 videos or questions per month
  • Access to Anya's digital resource library

This is a monthly membership.

What People Are Saying:

“This is how we win,” Anya explained to us during our very first lesson back in 2016. Since then Anya has trained us towards our ultimate goal of becoming multi world champions––and encouraged us to reach higher. Anya has been a pivotal coach for us in so many ways, supporting and guiding us to many career milestones. We’ve performed and taught around the world and danced on TV, all while building an incredibly successful dance studio business back home. Anya continues to help us grow as better dancers, better instructors, and better partners. Thank you Coach K for being who you are and always being there for us!

Adriano Ieropoli & Samantha Scali, multi-time world Salsa champions & owners of Novaera Dance Studio